pick & place systems

Product specifications

Workpieces must be supplied quickly and reliably during the production process. To this end, a wide variety of pick & place solutions can be used which have to be quicker or more flexible depending the relevant process.

In some cases, workpieces must only be transferred or transferred and rotated at the same time. Less demanding requirements can be met using conventional pick & place units combined with pneumatic individual components.

If the requirements on cycle time are greater, either pneumatic high-speed units (e.g. servo-pneumatics) or even linear motors can be set up as pick & place units.

In combination with rotary modules and different grippers, we configure the customized pick & place system to suit your application.




  • Quick transfer of parts between fixed positions
  • Wide variety of axis and gripper combinations allows for optimal adaptation to the products and dynamic requirements

Transferring parts quickly, precisely and efficiently

Customized pick & place system

Product sheet as PDF Request offer

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